Please join us for a cup of coffee and cheesecake + pineapple.

Please join us for a cup of coffee and cheesecake + pineapple.
Welcome back and happy new year to you all!
We have our first departmental coffee hour of this semester, today, Thursday, at 2:30. Please join us for a friendly discussion with our colloquium speaker, Prof. Sharon Glotzer.
Thanks to Prof. Landau for sponsoring this coffee hour.
We have our departmental coffee hour, today at 2:30pm. Our guest is Prof. Nathaniel P. Stern.
We also have a Persian treat today, it is called Ghorabie and is from northwestern part of Iran. I have attached some pictures of the Tabriz city, where it comes from.
This is a reminder that we have our departmental coffee hour, today, at 2:30pm. We have our Colombian coffee and a fresh cheesecake!
Please join us for a friendly discussion with Prof. Dennis Bodewits.
Thanks to Dr. Abate to sponsoring this week’s coffee hour.
Happy Halloween!
We have our departmental coffee hour, today at 2:30pm in the physics reading room. Please join us for a friendly discussion with our guest, prof. Li Yang.
It is not surprising to have pumpkin pie besides coffee!
Please see the flier for more information.
Thanks to Eric Suter for sponsoring us for this coffee hour.
We are having another departmental coffee hour, on Thursday, 10/24 at 2:30pm in the physics reading room.
Thanks to Dr. Shelton for supporting this coffee hour.
One of our Brazilian students, Fabricio, is providing traditional Brazilian "cheese breads" called Pao deQueijo.
Thanks to Dr. Nguyen for supporting us!
Monday, February 22, 2010 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: Reading Room, Physics
Coffee hour will be at 3:30pm in the reading room.
Monday, February 15, 2010 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Location: Reading Room, Physics
Coffee hour will be held at 3:30pm in the reading room.
Monday, February 8, 2010 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: Reading Room, Physics
Coffee hour will be in the reading room at 3:30pm.
Monday, February 1, 2010 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Location: Room 234: Strauss-Menendez Reading Room
All faculty, staff, and physics students are invited to attend coffee hour to mix and mingle. Snacks and beverages will be available.
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