We are pleased to announce the Fourth Southeast Quantum Computing Workshop, to be held at the University of Georgia, Athens, on May 1, 2020. The scope of the workshop includes all aspects of quantum computing and quantum information science. To assure an informal and highly interactive setting, space is limited and pre-registration is required. Conference attendance is free.
The workshop is hosted by the Center for Simulational Physics and will be held in the CSP Conference Room (Physics Building 322). For additional information please contact Traci McKinney at traci.mckinney@uga.edu or 706-542-2909.
Invited Speakers:
Glen Evenbly
Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: Entanglement in Quantum Many-body Systems and Tensor Networks
Creston Herold
Georgia Tech Research Institute
Title: Optimization with Trapped Ion Qubits
Ruslan Shaydulin
Clemson University
Title: Towards Practical Quantum Approximate Optimization
George Siopsis
University of Tennessee
Title: Quantum Computation of Energy Levels and Transition Amplitudes in the NISQ Era
Ping Yeh
Title: Quantum Supremacy with Google's Sycamore Processor
Michael Geller and David Landau, Organizers