Your Support


NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop  
Phillip Stancil (UGA), Co-Chair, Doug Hudgins (NASA HQ), Co-Chair  
Sunday, April 8, 2018 9:00 am - Wednesday, April 11 5:00 pm  
The UGA Center for Continuing Education and Hotel  

NASA Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop Site

Important dates:

*** Hotel reservations: March 11, 2018. ****, some rooms still available

*** Registration deadline: March 23, 2018. *** Extended

Abstract deadline: March 23, 2018.

Student Travel Assistance:

We can provide up to $1K for 15 students to cover travel expenses. This will be on a first-come first-served basis. Contact Prof. Artemis Spyrou ( ASAP.

Registration Fees:

The registration fee is $125 for students and recent Ph.D. recipents (after April 1, 2016) and $250 for all others. The fee includes buffet lunch on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, a reception on Sunday, and various coffee/snack breaks.

LAW 2018 is sponsored by the Astrophysics Division of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, the UGA Franklin College of Arts and Science, and the UGA Office for the Vice President for Research.


