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2017 Annual AtomDB Work Week and Workshop  
Prof. Phillip Stancil  
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 9:00 am - Friday, November 3 5:00 pm  
CSP Conference Room (322)  

The 2017 Annual AtomDB Workshop will be hosted this year at UGA by the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Simulational Physics. The Workshop, to be held Nov. 2-3, will bring together producers of atomic data, astrophysical modelers, and observers focused on X-ray astronomy. The workshop is preceded by working sessions (Oct. 31 - Nov. 1) in which users can learn about AtomDB, initiate collaborations with the AtomDB team, and provide input for future releases of AtomDB.

The workshop will bring together producers of atomic data, both theoretical and experimental, with the users of atomic data relevant to X-ray astronomy. The workshop aims to identify progress in the Lab Astro field which is directly relevant to X-ray astronomy, show how to use this data to observers, and to show the results of using the atomic physics to analyze astrophysical spectra.

Workweek: Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, training and collaboration meetings.

Workshop: Nov. 2 and Nov. 3, talks and posters.

Deadlines: Hotel reservation, Oct. 2; meeting registration, Oct. 17.

