Graduate Courses
Typical course sequence
Students with proper preparation during the undergraduate physics education will follow this standard sequence of courses.
- 1st Fall
- PHYS 8101 (Quantum I) - 3 hours
- PHYS 8201 (E&M I) - 3 hours
- GRSC 7770, CRN: 21929 (Grad. TA seminar) - 3 hours --> mandatory course for all TAs
- GRSC 7001, CRN: 55513 (GradFIRST seminar) - 1 hour --> mandatory course for 1st-year students
- PHYS 8990 (research rotation) - 2 hours
- PHYS 9000 (Research) - up to 7 hours
- 1st Spring
- PHYS 8102 (Quantum II) - 3 hours
- PHYS 8202 (E&M II) - 3 hours
- PHYS 8011 (Mechanics) - 3 hours
- PHYS 8990 (research rotation) - 2 hours
- PHYS 9000 (Research) - up to 7 hours
- 2nd Fall
- PHYS 8301 (Stat. Mechanics I) - 3 hours
- PHYS 8950 (Phsyics seminar) - 2 hours --> mandatory for all students (except for MS-NT-seking ones)
- other electives
- fill up to 18 hours with PHYS 9000
- 2nd Spring
- PHYS 8302 (Stat. Mechanics II) - 3 hours --> not required but recommended
- other electives
- fill up to 18 hours with PHYS 9000
- subsequent semesters
- other electives
- fill up to 18 hours with PHYS 9000
- graduating semester
- PHYS 9300 (Dissertation writing) - 3+ hours
- any electives
- fill up to 18 hours with PHYS 9000
For students with "weak" physics background, after consultation with the graduate coordinator, the squence of 6000-level physics can be taken before starting the above listed standard sequence. This "remedial" sequence contains courses:
- 1st Fall
- PHYS 6101 (Mechanics I) - 3 hours
- PHYS 6201 (E&M I) - 3 hours
- PHYS 6701 (Intro Quantum) - 3 hours
- GRSC 7770, CRN: 21929 (Grad. TA seminar) - 3 hours --> mandatory course for all TAs
- GRSC 7001, CRN: 55513 (GradFIRST seminar) - 1 hour --> mandatory course for 1st-year students
- PHYS 8990 (research rotation) - 2 hours
- PHYS 9000 (Research) - 6 hours
- 1st Spring
- PHYS 6102 (Mechanics II) - 3 hours
- PHYS 6202 (E&M II) - 3 hours
- PHYS 6702 (Intro Quantum II) - 3 hours
- PHYS 8990 (research rotation) - 2 hours, if necessary.
- 2nd Fall and on: Follow the standard 8000-level sequence
For international students from non-English speaking countries, check the UGA TA policy
- TOEFL speaking score of 20-22: LLED7768 during the 1st Fall and LLED 7769 during the 1st Spring need to be taken before taking GRSC 7770.
- TOEFL speaking score of 23-25: LLED 7769 needs to be taken during the 1st available semester followed by GRSC 7770