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Departmental Alumni and Alumnae

Some Alumni and Alumnae of the Ph.D. Program

 Dilimulati Aierken 2023 Michael Bachmann Postdoctoral Research Associate at Princeton University.
"Microcanonical Inflection-Point Analysis Of Phases For Semiflexible Polymers"
Zahrasdat Taghadomi Sarabi 2023 Phillip Stancil
"Computational Atomic Physics For Kilonova Ejecta And Astrophysical Plasmas"
 Darin Mihalik 2023 Phillip Stancil
"Applications Of Machine Learning To Molecular Quantum Dynamics Calculations"
Ruihan Wang 2023 Phillip Stancil
" Advanced Computational And Theoretical Study Of Collisions Between Atoms, Ions An...
Steven Hancock 2023 David P. Landau, Co-Major Professor- Yohannes Abate
"Langevin Dynamics/Monte Carlo Simulation Of Dielectric Properties Of Materials"
Kedkanok Sitarachu 2022 Michael Bachmann
"Micro-Canonical Inflection-Point Analysis Of Phase Transitions In Ising Systems"
Eric Suter 2022 Steven Lewis and William Dennis
"Ab Initio Investigations Of Dopant-Defect Complexes In KNbO3"
Alireza Fali 2022 Johannes Abate
Neda Alsadat Aghamiri 2022 Johannes Abate
"Doped Correlated Oxides And Semiconductors Studies Using Near-Field Spectroscopy A...
Lauren Sgro 2022 Inseok Song
"The Infrared Excess Emission Of Gaia DR2 M Dwarfs"
Abed Mohamadzade 2022 Susanne Ullrich
"Time Resolved Photoeleotron Spectroscopy Of Uracil Derivatives Femtosecond-Nanosec...
Kellan Gibson 2022 Heinz-Bernd Schuttler
"Numerical Investigations Of Microbial Collective Random Walk Models"
Nima Karimitari 2022 Steven Lewis
"Thermodynamic Studies Of Oxygen Vacancies In Pure And Doped SNO2"
Yifan Dai 2021 Michael Bachmann
"Generic Structural Transitions Of Helical Polymers With Confined Torsion"
Erin Dailey 2021 Loris Magnani
"Methylidyene In The Interstellar Medium"
Minh Thien Pham 2021 Tho Nguyễn
"Study Of Spin-Orbit Coupling In 2D/3D Perovskites And Energy Transfer Between 3D P...
Shengming Zhang 2021 Michael Bachmann
"Conformational Mechanics For Polymers Doubly-grafted To A Homogeneous Substrate"
Learnmore Tanaka Shenje 2021 Susanne Ullrich
"Femtosecond Time Resolved Excited State Spectroscopy Of Photocatalytic And Biologi...
Layne Bradley 2021 Yiping Zhao
"Principles And Applications Of Plasmonic Nanostructures"
Matthew Wilson 2021 David P. Landau
"Protein Folding And Peptide Aggregation Simulations On The Face-Centered Cubic Lat...
Dermot Heneghan 2021 William Dennis
"Investigation Of Plasmon-Polaritons And Phonon-Polaritons In Hexagonal Boron Nitr...
Gregory Simchick 2020 Qun Zhao University of Wisconsin, Department of Radiology
"An Assessment Of Quantification Methods In Fatty Tissues Using Chemical Shift Enco...
Lingyun Wu 2020 Heinz-Bernd Schuttler Google
"Synchronization Of Stochastic Circadian Clock Oscillators"
Jinhee Lee 2019 Song
"Detailed Analysis Of Young Nearby Stellar Moving Groups"
David Lyons 2019 Stancil
"Single Electron Capture From Atomic And Molecular Collisions Using Advanced Theore...
Jiahao Xu 2019 David P Landau Facebook, Software Engineer, Menlo Park, CA
'High-Resolution Monte Carlo Study Of Finite-Size Behavior At Phase Transitions In ...
Alfred Farris 2019 David P Landau
"Extended Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulations Of Coarse-Grained Protein Models"
Emmanuel Donate 2019 Loris Magnani Private Sector, Data Scientist
Dark Gas The Gas Of The Gaps In The Cold ISM
Yier Wan 2019 Phillip Stancil
"Computational Studies Of Molecular Scattering And Collision-Induced Fine-Structure...
Ziwei Zhang 2019 Phillip Stancil
"Molecular Probes In Highly Irradiated Gas-Non-Thermal Rotational And Vibrational E...
Amara Katabarwa 2019 Michael Geller
"Near Term Quantaum Computation"
Shahab Razavi 2019 Nakayama Vanderbilt University (Postdoc)
"Baryon Resonance Spectroscopy In A Unitary Isobar Model"
Allison Smith 2018 Magnani
"Spectroscopic And Spectropolarimetric Observations Of The Diffuse Interstellar Med...
Mark Mudrick 2018 Landau
"Atomistic Simulation Of Collective Excitations In BCC Iron With Vacancy Defects"
Steven Larson 2018 Y. Zhao
"Combinatorial Fabrication Of Composite Nano-structures For Photocatalytic And Plas...
Jeffrey Gritton 2017 Shelton Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia Southern University
"High Velocity Cloud Interactions With Their Ambient Environment"
Weijie Huang 2017 Y. Zhao
"Improving Stroke Treatment Using Active And Functional Magnetic Nanomotors"
Rugang Geng 2017 T. Nguyen Physics and Astronomy Department, University of Georgia
"Spin Injection And Spin Transport In Organic Spin Valves"
Kai Qi 2016 Bachmann
"Statistical And Conformational Analysis Of Structural Transitions In Finite Systems"
Yizhuo He 2016 Y. Zhao
"Chiral Metamaterials Fabricated By Dynamic Shadowing Growth"
Renata Cumbee 2016 Stancil Universities Space Research Association
"Highly-Charged Ion Collisions With Atoms: Applications To X-ray Emission In The Un...
Guangjie (Jerry) Shi 2016 Landau Google, Software Engineer
"Replica-exchange Wang-Landau Simulations Of Lattice Proteins For The Understanding...
Tomas Koci 2016 Bachmann
"Structure Forming Processes In Mesoscopic Polymer Systems"
Deegla Dorage Mayuri Perera 2016 Happek
"Site Specific Relaxation Dynamics Of Luminescent Centers"
Whitney Ingram 2016 Y. Zhao Sandia National Laboratories
"The Fabrication And Application Of Plasmanic Nanopatterns By Shadow Nanosphere Lit...
Kun Wang 2016 Xu Post-Doc Research Fellow
"Modulation And Control Of Charge Transport Through Single Molecule Junctions"
Tara H Cotten 2016 Song University of Georgia Physics Department
"Census And Characterization Of Nearby Infrared Excess Stars"
Benjamin Jackson 2015 Nakayama Sandia National Laboratories
Production Of Cascade Hyperons In Hadron And Photon-induced Reactions
Dilina Perera 2015 Landau Mississippi State University
Atomistic Simluations Of Magnetic Models With Coupled Translational And Spin Degree...
Kyle Walker 2015 Stancil CNRS- Universite' du Havre, France; postdoc
"Molecular Collisional Excitation In Astrophysical Environments And Modeling The Ea...
Pradip Basnet 2015 Y. Zhao
"Metal Oxide Photocatalytic Nanostructures Fabricated By Dynamic Shadowing Growth"
Hui Yu 2015 Ullrich
"Femtosecond Time-Resolved Spectroscopy Study Of Excited State Dynamics: Heterocycl...
Matthew Williams 2015 Bachmann
"Computational Exploration Of Helical Polymer Geometry, Folding And Stability"
Vijay Veeraghattam 2014 Lewis & Stancil Staples, Inc., Senior Software Engineer
"Computer Simulations Of Molecular Sticking On Amorphous Ice"
Mohua Bhattacharya 2014 Lewis & Dennis
"First-Principles Studies Of The Effects Of Transition Metal Impurities On The Elec...
George Larsen III 2014 Y. Zhao
"Scalable Chiral Plasmonic Structures: Fabrication And Sensing Applications"
Manoj Manjare 2014 Y. Zhao
"Bubble Driven Catalytic Micromotors"
Joydip Ghosh 2013 Geller Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Fault Tolerant Quantum Computation With Superconducting Elements: High-fidelity Gat...
Joonsang Lee 2013 Q. Zhao MD Anderson Cancer Center
Luning Wang 2013 Q. Zhao Univ. of Minnesota
Adam Schneider 2013 Song University of Toledo; postdoc
"Young Nearby Stars"
Jonathan Gross 2013 Bachmann University of Leipzig, Germany
"Parallel Monte Carlo Simulations Of Coarse-grained Flexible Polymers To Obtain Str...
Nicolas Lee Evans 2013 Ullrich
"Ultrafast Photoprotection Mechanisms And The Extraterrestrial Survivability Of Ade...
Joshua Alan Hughes 2013 Fertig
"An All Optical BEC Apparatus For The Investigation Of Magnetic Order In Spinor Ato...
Thomas E. Lanier 2012 Dennis Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
"Characterization Of Structured Optical Materials An Devices In The Visible Near In...
Meng Meng 2012 Landau Workday
Modified Late-Time Domain Growth Behavior Due To Compressibility
YingWai Li 2012 Landau Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Unraveling Universal Thermodynamic And Structural Behavior Of HP Model Protein Adso...
William Potter 2012 Q. Zhao Cornell Univ.
"Radiofrequency Coil Design And Application To Magnetic Resonance Imaging And Contr...
Wesam el-Qadi 2012 Stancil
'A Computational Study Of Collisions Relevant To Cyanogen, Carbon Dioxide, And Heli...
Eduardo Pestana 2011 Lee Department of Physics, Simon Boliva Univ., Caracas, VenezuelaFull Professor
"Application Of The Recurrence Relations Method To A Many-body Model For The Study ...
Junqi Yin 2011 Landau Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Novel, Parallel Monte Carlo Simulations Of Systems Of Interacting Classical Particles
Siyan Hu 2011 Landau Firewood Marketing
Monte Carlo Study Of Multicritical Behavior Of The 3D Anisotropic Heisenberg Model
Sairam Tangirala 2011 Landau Georgia Gwinnett College
Computational Study Of Polymer Films Using A Monte Carlo Model Of Vapor Deposition ...
Zhuofei Hou 2011 Landau UGA
Spin Dynamics Simulation Studies Of Nanoscale Classical Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
Jason Langley 2011 Q. Zhao Emory Univ.
Estimation Of The Phase Gradient In MRI: From Phase Unwrapping To Characterization ...
Jeff Nolte 2011 Stancil Western Michigan University; postdoc
"Computational Studies Of Atomic, Ionic, And Molecular Scattering"
David Cotten 2011 Magnani University of Georgia, Dept. of Geography
"Diffuse Molecular Ga In Cloud Envelopes And The Galaxy"
John Gibbs 2011 Y. Zhao
"Catalytic Nanomotors: Fabrication By Dynamic Shadowing Growth, Propulsion Mechanis...
Shijun Lei 2010 Shelton
Galactic Diffuse Hot Gas: Shadowing Observations And Joint Analysis
Lijun Pang 2010 Landau Georgia Gwinnett College
Monte Carlo Studies Of Interface Behavior In Ising Films
Daniel Seaton 2010 Landau Davidson College
Wang-Landau Simulations Of ThermoDynamic Behavior In Homopolymer Systems
Emily Pritchett 2010 Geller Hughes Research Lab, Malibu
"Superconducting Quantum Computation: Devices, Gate Design, And Quantum Simulation"
Shinya Miyake 2010 Stancil The University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway The Department of Theoretical Astrophysics; postdoc
Photoprocess Effects In The Early Universe
Christopher Gay 2010 Stancil Sante Fe College, Gainsville, FL; instructor
Chemistry And Physical Processes In Early Universe Structure Formation
Bo Wen 2010 Meyer Washington State University (post-doc)
'IR-UV Double Resonance Spectroscopy On NO-X Van Der Waals Complexes"
Xiaojia Tang 2009 Schüttler UGA Institute of Buioinformatics (Postdoc)
"Computational Systems Biology For The Biological Clock Of Neurospora Crassa"
Sarah Dunning 2009 Dennis Physical Review A (Assistant Editor)
"Optimizing Thin Film Filters For Ultrashort Pulse Shaping"
Jeremy R. Gulley 2009 Dennis University of Georgia (Visiting Physics Instructor) & GGC (Part-time Professor of Physics)
"Simulation Of Ultrashort Laser Pulse Propagation And Plasma Generation In Nonlinea...
Sebastian W. Winkler 2009 Dennis AREVA, Germany
"Nondestructive Interaction Of Ultrafast Laser Pulses With Transparent Dielectrics"
Stephan B. Chaney 2009 Happek Army Research Laboratory (Staff Scientist)
"The Luminescence Of Divalent Europium In Cs2Ca2+P207 And Cs2Sr2+P207"
Junxe Fu 2009 Y. Zhao Department of Electronicand Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Research Associate)
"Optical Sensors For Bacteria Detection Based On Nanostructures Fabricated B Dynami...
Zhongyue Zhang 2009 Y. Zhao School of Physics and Astronomy, Southwest University, China (Associate Professor)
"Numerical Study Of The Optical Properties Of Silver Nanostructures With Different ...
Samantha Kaj Blair 2008 Magnani SETI Institute, Mountain View, CA (Postdoctoral Research Associate)
"The Search For Prebiotic Organic Molecules In The Outer Galaxy"
Yi Zhou 2008 Meltzer Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fuzhou, China (Research Scientist)
"The Study Of Quantum Cutting In Sensitization Of Gd3+"
Hoang Longm Pham 2007 Happek Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA (Temporary Assistant Professor)
"Spectroscopic Determination Of Cr^{3+} Sites In Sol Gel Synthesized Lithium Tantal...
Scott John Thomson 2007 Lewis Georgia Gwinnett College (Physics Faculty)
"Structural Characteristics Vacancy Arrangements & Copper Clustering On The TiO...
Chih-Yuan Lin 2007 Stancil Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan (Postdoctoral Fellow)
"Advanced Computational Studies Of Collisions Of Complex Atoms, Ions, And Molecules"
Jianguo Fan 2007 Y. Zhao Center for Advanced Ultrstructural Research, University of Georgia (Academic Professional Associate)
"Static And Dynamic Wetting Of Aligned Nanorod Arrays"
Chih-Yuan Lin 2007 Stancil Assistant Professor of Physics, Soochow University, Taiwan
"Advanced Computational Studies Of Collisions Of Complex Atoms, Ions And Molecules"

Some Alumni and Alumnae of the M.S. Program

Brett Meerdink 2023 Loris Magnani University of Montana (PhD Student)
"A Study Of CH And Reddening In The Diffuse Molecular Cloud MBM40"
Michael Leary 2022 Kanzo Nakayama
Nicholas Graham 2022 Kanzo Nakayama
Sydney Whilden 2022 Kanzo Nakayama Small Satellite Research Lab, University of Georgia
Mingyu Sun 2021 Kanzo Nakayama
Marquez Howard 2021 Kanzo Nakayama
Xingyang Li 2021 Kanzo Nakayama
Antonio Mantica 2019 Shelton
Amanda Stricklan 2019 Magnani
"Isolated Molecular Clumps At The Co-boundary Of A Diffuse Molecular Cloud"
Vani Yadav 2019 Schuttler
Zewen Zhang 2019 David P Landau Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University, Houston, TX
"Homologues In Semi-Flexible HOP Models: A Replica Exchange Wang-Landau Study"
Matthew Parker 2019 Robin Shelton
"Intermediate-Velocity Clouds Approaching The Galactic Plane"
Susannah Zhang 2018 Meyer Physics and Astronomy Department at Vassar College
"UV Detection Of IR And MM Wave Absorption In Molecules And Van Der Wads Complexes"
Susannah Zhang 2018 Meyer Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
"UV Detection Of IR And MM Wave Absorption In Molecules And Van Der Wads Complexes"
Brandon Campbell 2017 Q. Zhao
"Deep Learning In Magnetic Resonance Imaging"
Benjamin Liewehr 2016 Bachmann
"Homopolymer Adsorption And Patter Recognition On Hexagonal Surfaces: A Replica-Exc...
Jose A. Sanchez Rodriquez 2016 Ullrich
2-Thiouracil Intersystem Crossing Photodynamics Study By Wavelength Dependent Photo...
Timothy J. Godfrey 2016 Ullrich
Volker Beutner 2016 Henning
"The Near-IR Spectrum Of NO(X˜ 2Π)-He Detected Through Excitation Into The A-State...
S. Reece Boston 2015 Lewis & Dennis
Funing Chen 2015 Y. Zhao Infillion, Seattle WA
Benjamin Ruskin 2010 Song High school physics teacher
Mark E. Hannah 2008 Happek Osram Silvania (Staff Scientist)
"Mechanism For Long Persistent Phosphorescence In Sr2MgSi207"
Marcus S. Alexander 2008 Magnani US Navy
"Gaussian Deconvolution Of 21 Cm HI Spectra"
Adam Conrad Schneider 2008 Magnani University of Georgia (Phyiscs PhD Student)
"A Search For Young Stellar Objects In MBM 12"
Ka Shing Man 2008 Kakayama Telephone Company, China
"Photoproduction Of Cascade Off Nucleons With Spin-5/2 And Spin-7/2"
Naiyin Yu 2008 Pan Brandeis University, Waltham, MA (PhD Graduate Student)
"Sunlight-excited Infrared Long Persistence Of SRAL2o4:  EU2+, DY3+, ER3+/"
Sunbok Lee 2008 Q. Zhao University of Georgia (Physics PhD Graduate Student)
"Contrast Enhanced MRI And Its Biological Applications"
Claudia E. Niculas 2008 Stancil Northern Georgia (Highschool Math Teacher)
"Rovibrationally-Resolved Photodissociation Of HD"
Robert Wiley Lashlee 2007 Landau Agilent Technologies, Colorado Springs, CO (Learning Products Engineer)
"A Monte Carlo Study Of Surface-Induced Disorder In The (111) Surface Of Face-Cente...
Elizabeth Wennerstrom 2007 Magnani Graduate School
"A Survey Of Hydroxyl In Two Translucent Molecular Clouds"
Yanping Huang 2007 Schuttler University of Washington, Seattle, WA (Biophysics PhD Graduate Student)
"Parameter Estimation Of Chemical Reaction Networks: The Super Ensemble Approach"

Some Alumni and Alumnae of the B.S. Program

Name Year Advisor Employer
Daniel DeSena 2022 Currently enrolled in the Physics MS program, City College of New York
Yoong Phang 2022 Yiping Zhao Currently attending Harvard Physics PhD program.
Elijah Courtney 2021 Phillip Stancil Currently attending Stanford Physics PhD Program.
Mackenzie Joy 2020 Loris Magnani Currently enrolled in the UC Berkeley Physics PhD Program.
Megan Arogeti 2020 SSRL Currently enrolled in the GA Tech Physics PhD Program.
Sebastian Byrd 2019 Stancil Department of Physics, VA Tech
Ana Jebraeilli 2019 Stancil Department of Physics and Astronomy, UGA (w Steve Lewis)
Jason Terry 2018 Stancil Data Science Institute, Brown University (w Mike Geller)
Ryan McArdle 2018 Stancil Department of Computer Science, UGA
Alec Cook 2017 Stancil School of Physics, Ga Tech
Patrick Mullen 2016 Stancil Department of Astronomy, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champagne
John Dupuy 2016 Stancil Department of Physics and Astronomy, UNC Chapel Hill (W Steve Lewis)
Krishal Patel 2015 Stancil Department of Aeronautics, Syracuse University
Elizabeth McMillan 2015 Stancil Uniformed Services, University of the Health Sciences