Simulational Physics
A diverse group of scientists in the Department conduct research in computational physics. Research interests and expertise in this group span a broad range of traditional physics subdisciplines, including astrophysics, atmospheric physics, atomic, molecular, and chemical physics, condensed matter physics, and statistical mechanics. People in this group are actively involved in both the development of state- of-the-art computational techniques as well as their application to cutting-edge problems in physics.
Recent Publications
Simulation of fibrous network

Nichola Filla, Yiping Zhao, Xianqiao Wang, “A Tractable, Transferable, and Empirically Consistent Fibrous Biomaterial Model,” Polymers 14, 4437 (2022).
High-resolution Monte Carlo study of the order-parameter distribution of the three-dimensional Ising model

Jiahao Xu, Alan M. Ferrenberg, and David P. Landau, "High-resolution Monte Carlo study of the order-parameter distribution of the three-dimensional Ising model," Phys. Rev. E 101, 023315
. “Wang-Landau approach to the simulation of water clusters”
Mol. Simulat. DOI: 10.1080/08927022.2018.1506119 (7 pages) (2018).
Ultraviolet Line Intensities of Intermediate and High Ions Predicted from Non-equilibrium Ionization Simulations

Robin L. Shelton and Kyujin Kwak, the Astrophysical Journal, 2018, vol 866, article id. 34 (15pp)