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Biophysics & Biomedical Physics

Biophysics is an interdisciplinary field that applies the theories and methods of physics to study how biological systems work. It covers life at all scales, from atoms and molecules to cells, organisms, bodies, and even populations. This field has significant overlap with many other fields, such as math, biochemistry, chemistry, biology, engineering, nanotechnology, physiology, pharmacology, etc.

The lab led by Dr. Susanne Ullrich uses modern time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopies to study the function and dynamics of photoexcited biomolecules. Experimental facilities include a high energy femtosecond laser system and photoelectron photoion coincidence spectrometer.

The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) physics lab, led by Dr. Qun Zhao, has been focusing on innovating novel approaches to improve MRI at cellular levels. Advanced applications include tracking of stem cells labeled with iron oxide nanoparticles (IONP), early detection of cancers and IONP-based therapeutic treatment. Recently, deep learning (a statistical machine learning approach) has been integrated with MRI to map structural and functional connectivity in human and animal brains, which will open a new door for neuroimaging.

The Nanolab led by Dr. Yiping Zhao develops novel nanomaterials, devices and systems for antimicrobial applications, new chemical and biological sensors, cell growth and manipulation, and disease treatment and drug delivery with nanoparticles.


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