Your Support

What to expect at the Department

More detailed information is available

Download and read this PDF file for more detailed information.

Requirements before graduation
  • Written preliminary exam: see more details here.
  • six core courses : PHYS 8101, 8102, 8201, 8202, 8011, & 8301
  • Minimum of 30 credit hours taken at UGA (No grade below C): see more details here.
  • Oral exam: see more details here.
  • Dissertation
Forming your committee
  • After passing the written prelim exam, you need to form your permanent advisory committee.
  • Must consist of a minimum of 3 members of the graduate faculty including the major professor(s) as the chair(s).
Dissertation submission
International Students: After graduation (OPT)
Financial Hardship

Check for available resources at


For grievance procedures, see for course related disputes.
For research related disputes, see this PDF file.


Much of the information shown above is also avalable through the graduate school