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Events: Departmental Colloquia

  • Damage Control: Using Coherent Phonon Oscillations to Control Material Damage

    Guest: Carl Liebig
    Thursday, March 25, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Bill Dennis will be hosting Dr. Carl Liebig of Purdue University Department of Mechanical Engineering this week. The talk is entitled, "Damage Control: Using Coherent Phonon Oscillations to Control Material Damage."

    With an optical pulse duration shorter than the time required for heat generation in materials, femtosecond laser pulses have advantages over traditional nanosecond laser systems in their ability to maximize the amount of intended damage and minimize collateral damage. The broadband nature of femtosecond laser pulses also allows them to be customized to control physical phenomena such as coherent phonon oscillations and non-thermal melting that can contribute to the damage process. This talk will introduce femtosecond pulse shaping, show how the shaped pulses can be used to control coherent phonon oscillations and discuss how to control the the material damage by manipulating the coherent phonon amplitude.

  • Probing the Structure of Hadrons

    Guest: Kanzo Nakayama
    Thursday, March 18, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: Physics 202

    Dr. Michael Geller will be hosting Dr. Kanzo Nakayama of the University of Georgia Department of Physics and Astronomy this week. His talk is entitled, "Probing the Structure of Hadrons."

    Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is believed to be the correct theory of strong interactions. The basic degrees-of-freedom of QCD are the quarks which interact with each other by exchanging gluons due to ”color” charges. This is analogous to Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), the theory of electromagnetic interaction, where the electrons interact with each other by exchanging photons due to electric charges. Quarks come in three independent color states. One of the three fundamental properties of QCD is known as the confinement, which is the mechanism behind the fact that only color neutral particles are observed isolated in nature. Since quarks are colored particles, the simplest color neutral particles are composed of quark-antiquark or 3-quark configurations. The former type of particles are known as mesons and the latter as baryons; collectively, they are known as hadrons.

    While two of the three fundamental properties of QCD are well understood, the confining mechanism of quarks which results in physically observable particles (hadrons) still awaits a full understanding. In order to obtain a deeper insight into this problem, a detailed experimental and theoretical investigation of hadron spectroscopy is imperative.

    In order to extract relevant physics information from the experimental data on hadron spectroscopy taken at the major laboratories worldwide, a consistent reaction theory capable of quantitative predictions of the reaction processes induced by both electromagnetic and hadronic probes is required. In this talk, an overview of the activities at UGA in this field will be given.

  • In silico modeling of molecular effects caused by non-synonymous variations in human DNA

    Guest: Emil Alexov
    Thursday, March 4, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Phillip Stancil will host Dr. Emil Alexov of the University of Clemson Department of Physics and Astronomy this week. His talk is entitled "In silico modeling of molecular effects caused by non-synonymous variations in human DNA."

    Human DNA sequence differs among individuals and the most common variations are known as single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs. Studies have shown that non-synonymous coding SNPs (nsSNPs - SNPs occurring in protein coding regions which lead to amino acid substitutions) can be responsible for many human diseases. They can also cause the natural differences among individuals by affecting the structure, function, interactions as well as other properties of expressed proteins. The ability of predicting whether a given nsSNP is disease-causing or harmless would be of great importance both in early detection of genetic diseases for high-risk patients and facilitating future development of drugs to alter the harmful effects of these nsSNP mutations.

    In this talk, I will present an overview of the existing approaches to model the effects of nsSNPs, emphasising on modeling the effects affecting protein-protein interactions. I will demonstrate that these effects can not be predicted without detailed computer simulations due to the natural plasticity of protein structures. Further I will focus on a particular disease, the Snyder-Robinson syndrome, which was shown to be caused by malfunction of a particular protein, the spermine sythase protein. Three missense mutations have been clinically identified, but so far no explanation of the effects on molecular level is available. I will present a detailed computational analysis of the molecular effects caused by these mutations and link the corresponding findings to the function of spermine sythase protein.

  • Simulating self-assembly with molecular dynamics

    Guest: Dennis Rapaport
    Thursday, February 25, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    This week is a special joint colloquium hosted by the Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Simulational Physics. Dr. David Landau will be hosting Dr. Dennis Rapaport. The talk is entitled "Simulating self-assembly with molecular dynamics."

    The talk describes some of the more fascinating aspects of self-assembly that emerge when a molecular dynamics approach is used. One of the phenomena to be addressed is the role of reversibility in assembly, with emphasis on reduced polyhedral-based models of virus capsids and the examination of the growth histories of individual shells. The other is the occurrence of particle migration in a simplified model for studying micelle growth, where transfer of both solute and surfactant molecules between fully developed clusters can be observed.

  • 3D Phase Imaging of Integrated Optical Devices

    Guest: Amy Sullivan
    Thursday, February 18, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Susanne Ullrich will be hosting Dr. Amy Sullivan of Agnes Scott College this week. Her talk is entitled "3D Phase Imaging of Integrated Optical Devices."

    Measurements of three-dimensional (3D) changes in index of refraction are important for material characterization of photopolymers, glass and other optical materials as well as for characterization of fabricated structures such as waveguides in 3D integrated optics systems. I will discuss an imaging system capable of measuring deeply-buried, weak, fabricated index structures. High-fidelity cross sections of these weak index structures are constructed by replicating the structure to be measured to form a diffraction grating. The coherent addition of scattering from each of these objects increases the sensitivity of the imaging system. Measurements are made in the far field, without the use of lenses, which considerably simplifies the experimental set up and allows for imaging through thick samples. These measurements help in the development of new integrated optical devices as well as leading us to a better understanding of how light sensitive materials behave under a variety of illumination conditions.

  • Measuring Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About an Ultrashort Laser Pulse, But Were Afraid to Ask

    Guest: Rick Trebino
    Thursday, February 11, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Susanne Ullrich will host Dr. Rick Trebino of the Georgia Institute of Technology Department of Physics this week. His talk is is entitled "Measuring Everything You’ve Always Wanted to Know About an Ultrashort Laser Pulse, But Were Afraid to Ask."

    Measuring an event in time seems to require a shorter one. As a result, the development of a technique to measure ultrashort laser pulses—the shortest events ever created—has been particularly difficult. We have, however, developed simple methods for fully characterizing these events, that is, for measuring a pulse's intensity and phase vs. time. One involves making an optical analog of a musical score of the pulse by using nonlinear optics to measure the pulse spectrogram. The mathematics involved is equivalent to the two-dimensional phase-retrieval problem—a problem that’s solvable because the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra fails for polynomials of two variables. We call this method Frequency-Resolved Optical Gating (FROG), and it’s simple, rigorous, intuitive, and general. FROG has been used to measure pulses as short as 100 attoseconds (10-16 sec) and as weak as a few hundred photons. FROG has also measured the most complex ultrashort pulse ever generated, yielding surprising results. And we have recently developed methods (also with frivolous names: SEA TADPOLE and STRIPED FISH) for measuring the complete spatio-temporal field of an arbitrary laser pulse, making ultrashort laser pulses the most completely characterized form of light known to humankind.

  • Increasing Resolution in Biological Light Microscopy

    Guest: Peter Kner
    Thursday, February 4, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Susanne Ullrich will host Dr. Peter Kner of the Department of Engineering at the University of Georgia this week. His talk is entitled "Increasing Resolution in Biological Light Microscopy."

    Light Microscopy is an essential tool in biology research because it allows biologists to study cell structure and the behavior of individual proteins within the cell. Unfortunately the resolution of classical light microscopes is limited to roughly 200nm, much greater than the size of many biological structures. Recently there has been a lot of progress in developing techniques to improve the resolution of fluorescence microscopy beyond 200nm. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of the history of light microscopy and discuss recent advances in overcoming the 200nm resolution limit.

  • Multicriticality in Magnetic and Non-magnetic Systems: a Simulational View

    Guest: Joao Plascak
    Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. David Landau is hosting Dr. Joao Plascak of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais this week. His talk is entitled, "Multicriticality in Magnetic and Non-magnetic Systems: a Simulational View."

    Critical and multicritical phenomena will be discussed in terms of general thermodynamics. It will be shown that different systems, some as simple as the liquid-gas transition and some as complicated as He4-He3 mixtures, can be described by convenient magnetic Hamiltonians. Some magnetic models will then be revisited, with special emphasis on the Ising model, the Blume-Emmery-Griffiths model, the XY model, the Heisenberg model, among others. A simulational point of view will be presented. The technical approaches employed to obtain the thermodynamics of the model include Monte Carlo simulations and spin dynamics simulations.

  • Radio Observations of Comets and Asteroids

    Guest: Amy Lovell
    Thursday, January 21, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Robin Shelton will be hosting Dr. Amy Lovell of Agnes Scott College Department of Physics and Astronomy this week. Her talk is entitled, "Radio Observations of Comets and Asteroids."

    Small bodies -- comets and asteroids -- are remnants from the era of planetary formation, and offer clues on the history of our solar system. Radio astronomy observations provide a unique perspective on these small bodies. Long-wavelength spectroscopy enables a characterization of ice sublimation from the nucleus and constrains the rate of gas production, speed of gas outflow, and asymmetries in the gas coma. We have used the Arecibo 305m radiotelescope to observe OH in a number of long- and short-period comets, and this presentation will highlight some results. In addition, I will provide a short overview of thermal observations of asteroids and describe the promise of future instrumentation in radio astronomy for asteroid studies.

  • Elucidation of Bacterial Genomic Structures

    Guest: Ying Xu
    Thursday, January 14, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. David Landau and Dr. Robin Shelton are hosting Dr. Ying Xu of the University of Georgia Institute of Bioinformatics, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology this week. His talk is entitled, "Elucidation of Bacterial Genomic Structures."

    In this talk, I will present our recent findings about how the functionalities of the cellular machinery of a bacterium might have constrained the genomic arrangement of its genes during evolution. I will discuss a number of challenging computational problems in elucidating the genomic structures at multiple levels and the information that is encoded through these genomic structures, gearing towards the ultimate understanding of the governing rules of bacterial genome organization.

  • Luminescent Material for Energy Efficient Lighting

    Guest: Uwe Happek
    Thursday, December 3, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Bill Dennis is hosting Dr. Uwe Happek of the University of Georgia Department of Physics and Astronomy. His talk is entitled "Luminescent Material for Energy Efficient Lighting."

    Lighting consumes about 8% of the primary energy in the United States, and 20% of the generated electricity. While financial considerations, dependence on foreign energy sources, and the limited availability of fossil fuel has been an incentive for energy efficient lighting for several decades, the threat of global warming has provided an additional urgency to the development of efficient light sources.

    In my talk I will first introduce several relevant parameters that are needed for the evaluation and comparison of light sources, followed by an overview of different approaches towards energy efficient lighting, including a discussion of the physical limits of lamp efficiency.

    The second part of the talk will focus on the research on phosphor coatings for solid state lighting, quantum cutting phosphors, and intriguing solid state problems that one might encounter during these studies.

  • Building quantum coherences one atom at a time: Bose-Einstein condensates, and trapping single atoms and photons

    Guest: Dr. Mike Chapman
    Thursday, November 19, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Michael Geller will be hosting Dr. Mike Chapman of the Georgia Institute of Technology this week. His talk is entitled "Building quantum coherences one atom at a time: Bose-Einstein condensates, and trapping single atoms and photons"

    Ultracold atoms have many applications to important problems in physics today, including the study of quantum degenerate gases, technologies based on coherent atom optics, and quantum computing. Our recent experiments in these areas will be described, focusing on our development of all-optical atomic Bose Einstein condensates, and cavity QED experiments with single trapped atoms.

  • Spectroscopy of Molecular Clusters in 0.4 Kelvin Helium Nanodroplets

    Guest: Gary Douberly
    Thursday, November 12, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Susanne Ullrich will be hosting Dr. Gary Douberly of the University of Georgia Department of Chemistry this week. His talk is entitled "Spectroscopy of Molecular Clusters in 0.4 Kelvin Helium Nanodroplets."

    Helium nanodroplet isolation (HENDI) has proven to be a versatile technique for many forms of molecular spectroscopy. Helium nanodroplets provide a medium for studying at 0.4 Kelvin, the structure and dynamics of novel systems such as biomolecules, free- radicals, metal clusters, and molecular clusters. A hallmark of HENDI spectroscopy is the appearance of rotational fine structure in the vibrational spectra of molecules and complexes dissolved in the weakly interacting matrix. As a result of the low temperature of the droplet matrix, the vibrational band contours of most polyatomic molecules or clusters span only approximately 1 cm-1. Consequently, vibrational bands are typically resolved, even if a mixture of cluster sizes is present in the droplet beam. With few exceptions, when comparisons are available, the vibrational band origins of helium solvated species are shifted little from their respective gas phase values. Hence, novel complexes formed in the droplets can be treated as being isolated, such that their vibrational spectra can be directly compared to the predictions of ab initio theory.

    In this talk, I will discuss the process by which molecular clusters are formed within the helium droplets. Quite often, metastable species are formed, providing us with the opportunity to characterize regions of the potential energy surface far from the global minimum. Molecular clusters are formed by the sequential "pick-up" of monomers by the droplets. As the fragments of the cluster approach one another in the droplet, long range electrostatic interactions tend to pre-orient and funnel the fragments into one of potentially many minima on the potential surface. I will also discuss recent progress towards the characterization of high-energy metastable species with infrared laser spectroscopy and the prospects for studying the laser driven chemistry of pre-reactive species using the HENDI methodology.

  • Ultrafast Charge Transfer at Molecule/Quantum dot Interface — Towards Multi-Exciton Dissociation

    Guest: Tianquan (Tim) Lian
    Thursday, November 5, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Susanne Ullrich will be hosting Dr. Tim Lian of the Emory University Department of Chemistry this week. His talk is entitled, "Ultrafast Charge Transfer at Molecule/Quantum dot Interface — Towards Multi-Exciton Dissociation."

    Charge transfer to and from quantum dots (QDs) is of intense interest because of its important roles in QD-based devices, such as solar cells and light emitting diodes. Recent reports of multiple exciton generation (MEG) by one absorbed photon in some QDs offer an exciting new approach to improve the efficiency of QD-based solar cells and to design novel multi-electron/hole photocatalysts. However, the application of the MEG process requires ultrafast exciton dissociation by charge transfer to electron donors and acceptors before the exciton-exciton annihilation process, which occurs on the 10s to 100s ps time scale. In this presentation we report a series of studies of exciton dissociation dynamics in quantum dots by electron or hole transfer to adsorbed electron or hole acceptors, respectively. We showed that excitons in CdS and CdSe could be dissociated on the a few picosecond timescale to various adsorbates. As a proof of principle, we demonstrated that multiple excitons (generated by multiple photons) per QD can be dissociated by electron transfer to adsorbed acceptors. We will discuss the dependence of these rates on the size and the nature of the quantum dots and possible approaches to optimize the multiple exciton dissociation efficiency.

  • Observation of Warm Gas in Pre-planetary Disks: Catching Planet Formation in the Act?

    Guest: Sean Brittain
    Thursday, October 22, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Robin Shelton will be hosting Dr. Sean Brittain of the University of Clemson Department of Physics and Astronomy this week. His talk is entitled " Disks: Catching Planet Formation in the Act?"

    High-resolution spectroscopy of warm molecules provides an excellent view of the distribution of gas in disks and complements studies of the dusty content and structure of disks emerging from mid-infrared ground-based instruments and Spitzer. As the planet-forming region of disks is generally spatially unresolved, high-resolution spectroscopy becomes a surrogate by spectrally resolving the velocity of gas. CO in particular is well suited to probing the inner, planet-forming regions of disks because it is relatively stable and becomes self-shielding at low column densities. In this talk we will discuss how the observation of ro-vibrational CO emission can be used to measure the distribution of gas in disks and complement what we learn about the disk from its spectral energy distribution.

    The differences in the spectral energy distribution of young stars have led to the suggestion that they reflect an evolutionary sequence from optically thick disks to transitional disks (i.e. disks with optically thick outer disks and optically thin inner disks) to optically thin disks. The canonical interpretation of the morphology of transitional disks is that they reflect dynamical sculpting by an embedded planet. If so, then optically thick disks transition into optically thin disks on the timescale over which planet formation is thought to occur. As intriguing as this possibility is, there are other physical effect—namely grain growth and photo-evaporation—that can give rise to transitional disks with similar spectral energy distributions (Fig. 1). In this talk we describe how these effects can be differentiated by measuring the distribution of warm gas in the disk around Herbig Ae/Be stars using high-resolution spectra of ro-vibrational CO transitions. We will show examples of spectra of several transitional Herbig Ae/Be stars and discuss what this tell us about the morphology of the spectral energy distribution. We will also discuss how these observations can be used to elucidate the geometry of disks, test model predictions of disk heating and shed light on dust settling.

  • "Super Cool" Reactions in Metastable Aerosol Particles

    Guest: Geoff Smith
    Thursday, October 15, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Susanne Ullrich will be hosting Dr. Geoff Smith of the University of Georgia Department of Chemistry this week. His talk is entitled, " "Super Cool" Reactions in Metastable Aerosol Particles."

    Aerosol particles play important roles in the Earth's climate as they can both scatter and absorb solar radiation, act as cloud condensation nuclei and facilitate chemical reactions. These particles typically comprise a vast array of organic species derived from both anthropogenic and natural sources that can influence the physical and chemical characteristics of the aerosol. However, very little is understood about how these organic species react with gas-phase oxidants such as O3, OH and NO3 in the atmosphere. In an effort to understand such reactions better, we have studied the reaction of O3 with model organic aerosols containing oleic acid, a fatty acid that is often found in particles originating from meat cooking. We find that the presence of other, non-reactive species leads to drastic changes in the reactivity of oleic acid through changes in the particle morphology. A case study involving particles containing both oleic acid and n-docosane (a straight-chain alkane) will be presented highlighting the roles of supercooled liquids, metastable solid phases and an ordered surface frozen monolayer in determining the reactivity of these particles.

  • The ballistic acceleration of a supercurrent in a superconductor

    Guest: Milind Kunchur
    Thursday, October 8, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Michael Geller is hosting Dr. Milind Kunchur of the University of South Carolina this week. Dr. Kunchur's talk is entitled "The ballistic acceleration of a supercurrent in a superconductor."

    A particle under the action of a single applied force accelerates ballistically in accordance with Newton's second law. In the presence of a frictional force, an applied force will ultimately maintain a constant velocity rather than produce acceleration. Analogously, an externally applied voltage can ballistically accelerate the superfluid in a superconductor, leading to a supercurrent that grows with time; whereas a constant applied voltage in a resistive conductor merely maintains a constant current. This acceleration phase of the supercurrent lasts for a very brief period before resistive processes set in, making it difficult to observe in real time. The present work employed a measurement system that could simultaneously track and correlate current and voltage with subnanosecond timing accuracy, resulting in the first clear time-domain measurement of this transient phase where the quantum system displays a Newtonian like response. The technique opens doors for the controlled investigation of other time-dependent transport phenomena in condensed-matter systems. [This work was funded by the U. S. Department of Energy under Grant no. De-FG02-99ER45763 and the principal result was published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 077001 (2009).]

  • The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Status and Science overview

    Guest: B.G. Andersson
    Thursday, October 1, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Robin Shelton will be hosting Dr. B.G. Andersson of the NASA Ames Research Center this week. His talk is entitled "The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) Status and Science overview."

    The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is now in its final development phase. The airplane is flying, the telescope assembly has been operated in flight, instruments are ready to go. First light observing and the first open call for proposals will both occur this winter. A revised Science Vision for SOFIA has been generated showing that the observatory will provide an important complement to the Herschel and JWST missions and as a platform for technology development. I will discuss the status of the observatory and highlight selected parts of the SOFIA Science Vision.

  • High Precision Infrared Radial Velocities and the Search for Young Planets

    Guest: Russel White
    Thursday, September 24, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Inseok Song will be hosting Dr. Russel White of the Georgia Institute of Technology this week. His talk is entitled "High Precision Infrared Radial Velocities and the Search for Young Planets."

    I will present results from our on-going high-precision infrared radial velocity survey of late-type stars. Our technique achieves a record breaking precision of 50 m/s, which is finally sufficient to begin identifying planets at infrared wavelengths. Using this technique, we are surveying a sample of young (1-10 Myr) stars to search for hot Jupiters; their discovery at these ages would put much needed constraints on the planet formation and migration timescales. I will present results from this work, including newly discovered young companions and an initial assessment of the planet frequency at these ages. I will also discuss the potential for infrared radial velocities to assess more completely the planet frequency of our nearest low mass stellar neighbors.

  • What powers the intra-cluster filaments in large clusters of galaxies?

    Guest: Gary Ferland
    Thursday, September 17, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    The Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Simulational Physics will be hosting a joint colloquium this week. Dr. Phillip Stancil will be hosting Dr. Gary Ferland of the University of Kentucky. His talk is entitled "What powers the intra-cluster filaments in large clusters of galaxies?"

    The first radio surveys of the sky discovered that some large clusters of galaxies contained powerful sources of synchrotron emission. Optical images showed that the intra-cluster medium was permeated by long linear filaments with bizarre emission line spectra. Recent observations in the infrared and radio show that these filaments have very strong emission lines of molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The mass of molecular material is quite large, the gas is quite warm, and the filaments have not formed stars despite their multi-Gyr age. I will discuss the general astrophysical context of large clusters of galaxies and how large masses of molecular gas can be heated to produce what we observe.

  • New Horizons of Nanoplasmonics: from SPASER to Attoseconds

    Guest: Mark Stockman
    Thursday, September 10, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Michael Geller is hosting Dr. Mark Stockman of Georgia State University Department of Physics and Astronomy this week. His talk is entitled "New Horizons of Nanoplasmonics: from SPASER to Attoseconds."

    Nanoplasmonics deals with collective electron dynamics on the surface of metal nanostructures, which arises as a result of excitations called surface plasmons. The surface plasmons localize and concentrate optical energy in nanoscopic regions creating highly enhanced local optical fields. They undergo ultrafast dynamics with timescales as short as a few hundred attoseconds. There are numerous existing applications of nanoplasmonics: nanoantennas for photovoltaic cells and LEDs, labels and tests for biology and medicine, etc. We will focus on the latest developments in nanoplasmonics. Among them is SPASER as a quantum nanoscale generator of optical fields, which has earlier been predicted and recently observed, generation of high harmonics in the EUV range, ultrafast optical modulator with THz bandwidth, generators and modulators of THz radiation, coherent control of ultrafast processes on the nanoscale, attosecond nanoplasmonic field microscope, etc.

  • Making Surfaces Smart

    Guest: Jason Locklin
    Thursday, September 3, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Susanne Ullrich will be hosting Dr. Jason Locklin of the University of Georgia Department of Chemistry. His talk is entitled "Making Surfaces Smart."

    Surface-initiated polymerization reactions are rapidly developing as methods to prepare functional, high-tech coatings. This is a technique based on the growth of polymer molecules at the surface of a substrate (such as glass, metal, or plastic) in situ from a surface bound initiator, which results in the covalent attachment of polymer molecules to this substrate. Polymer layers in which the polymer chains are irreversibly immobilized to the substrate are especially attractive for a wide variety of applications, as these layers have excellent long-term stability, even in rather adverse environments. In addition to improved stability, the number of functional groups present at a surface can be greatly enhanced by connecting large polymer molecules with functional groups (present in each monomer repeat unit) to the surface instead of binding the functional group directly to the surface. This transition from a two-dimensional to a three-dimensional arrangement has been called the "skyscraper" approach, and allows for high densities of functional groups to be obtained in a limited area. In this talk, we will highlight recent progress our group has made in applying polymer brush coatings to study the following: light induced mechanical motion, sensors for biological arrays, antimicrobial coatings and enzymatic biofuel cells.

  • The Physics Behind Clear-Air Turbulence (CAT): An Unsolved Mystery

    Guest: John Knox
    Thursday, August 27, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Robin Shelton is hosting Dr. John Knox of the University of Georgia this week and his talk is entitled "The Physics Behind Clear-Air Turbulence (CAT): An Unsolved Mystery."

    Airplane passengers experience clear-air turbulence (CAT) when the flight becomes bumpy at high altitudes far away from thick clouds, thunderstorms, or other known sources of turbulence. Why does CAT happen, what are the physical processes leading to this phenomenon, and how can we forecast it better so pilots can avoid it? In this talk, I attempt to answer these surprisingly difficult questions in the context of fluid dynamics principles, specifically hydrodynamic instabilities and buoyancy waves in the atmosphere. I will present results from my own research collaboration with an experimental fluid dynamicist on a link between CAT and a recently discovered source of atmospheric buoyancy waves based on aeroacoustics research.

  • Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering from Silver Nanorod Array

    Guest: Yongjun Liu
    Thursday, August 20, 2009 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: 202 Physics

    Dr. Bill Dennis is hosting Mr. Yongjun Liu of the University of Georgia Department of Physics and Astronomy who will give a talk entitled "Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering from Silver Nanorod Array."

    Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) has been a powerful analytical tool in chemical and biosensing applications. Silver nanorod array fabricated by oblique angle deposition can give a very strong SERS enhancement (>108). For the Ag nanrod SERS substrates, we have performed detailed SERS characterizations and found that the SERS enhancement strongly depends on the length of nanorods, the incident angle of excitation light, the polarization states of excitation light, and the reflectance from the substrate. A modified Greenler's model based on the reflection from a single Ag nanorod and the substrate as well as dipole radiation has been proposed and can quantitatively explain these SERS characteristics. We have also designed experiments to selectively put Raman probe molecules on different locations of the Ag nanorods, and found that most SERS signals come from the gap between the Ag nanorods, which is consistent with our numerical calculations of the local electromagnetic field enhancement around Ag nanorod array. All those results show that the SERS mechanism of Ag nanorod arrays is very complicated, and more works need to be done to understand the essential mechanism. Acknowledgement: this work was supported by NSF ECS-0701787.

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