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Departmental Colloquium

Multicriticality in Magnetic and Non-magnetic Systems: a Simulational View  
Guest Speaker
Joao Plascak  
Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm  
202 Physics  

Dr. David Landau is hosting Dr. Joao Plascak of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais this week. His talk is entitled, "Multicriticality in Magnetic and Non-magnetic Systems: a Simulational View."

Critical and multicritical phenomena will be discussed in terms of general thermodynamics. It will be shown that different systems, some as simple as the liquid-gas transition and some as complicated as He4-He3 mixtures, can be described by convenient magnetic Hamiltonians. Some magnetic models will then be revisited, with special emphasis on the Ising model, the Blume-Emmery-Griffiths model, the XY model, the Heisenberg model, among others. A simulational point of view will be presented. The technical approaches employed to obtain the thermodynamics of the model include Monte Carlo simulations and spin dynamics simulations.

