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  • Departmental Colloquium Apr 22, 2010

    The Searle Systems Biology and Bioengineering Undergraduate Research Experience at Vanderbilt University - Equipping Students of all Disciplines For Careers in Post-Reductionist Biology and Medicine

    The Searle Systems Biology and Bioengineering Undergraduate Research Experience at Vanderbilt University - Equipping Students of all Disciplines For Careers in Post-Reductionist Biology and Medicine

    Guest: Dr. Kevin T. Seale
    Thursday, April 22, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: Rm 201 Physics Building

    Dr. Kevin T. Seale from Vanderbilt University is our Undergraduate Awards Day Colloquium Speaker.

    Abstract: From its beginning as a descriptive, taxonomic recording of existing species to the recognition of the cell as a fundamental unit of biology to the discovery of the genetic code as the software driver for all living organisms, research in biology and medicine has evolved. Along a timeline similar to the progression of the study of physical sciences from the very large (the solar system and universe) to the very small (subatomic particles), biologists have reached the reductionist limit with the complete description of the structure and function of molecular DNA translation, transcription and replication machinery. Perhaps not surprisingly, biologists, physicists (and engineers, chemists, mathematicians) have met at the bottom of the reductionist path at many universities around the world, and are working together to build models and experiments of ever-greater complexity to study the emergent properties of molecular assemblies such as the biological cell in a growing field known as Systems Biology. Undergraduate students interested in Systems Biology must grapple with the requirement that they declare a major – which by definition will temporarily restrict much of their thinking to existing academic disciplines. The Searle Systems Biology and Bioengineering Undergraduate Research Experience (SyBBURE) at Vanderbilt University is an effort to invigorate the studies of undergraduates of all majors by providing long-term and unfettered access to the Vanderbilt Institute for Integrative Biosystems Research and Education (VIIBRE) and associated laboratories across campus. Students with active and imaginative minds are encouraged, guided and amply supplied to investigate the function of individual living cells under tightly controlled experimental conditions using state-of-the-art biomicroelectromechanical devices. The SyBBURE undergraduates, along with collaborating faculty are helping to develop and build extensive experimental approaches and apparatus for systems biology research that are more evenly matched to the enormous complexity of a single, living biological cell. I will give an overview of SyBBURE experiments and results and discuss bold new directions chosen by the VIIBRE/SyBBURE cohort to bring the power of modern technology to bear on difficult biological problems.

  • NanoSEC Seminar Aug 13, 2010

    Microcantilever Based Sensors for Detection of Biological and Chemical Species

    Microcantilever Based Sensors for Detection of Biological and Chemical Species

    Guest: Dr. Pranav Shrotriya, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University
    Friday, August 13, 2010 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
    Location: Auditorium, Riverbend Research Laboratory South

    Micromechanical cantilever based surface stress sensors have demonstrated tremendous sensitivity to
    non-labeled detection of chemical and biochemical compounds. The sensing strategy involves coating
    one surface of a microcantilever with a receptor species that has high affinity for the analyte molecule of
    interest. The presence of the analyte is detected by resolving the surface stress change associated with
    absorption/adsorption of analyte molecules on the sensitized surface. While a number of studies have
    been undertaken to explore potential uses of the cantilever sensors, their widespread application is
    severely limited due to: 1) lack of integration of all the components in a single miniature device; and 2)
    incomplete understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing the sensor response. We address these
    limitations through development of an interferometry based surface stress sensing approach and
    multiscale models to identify mechanism governing surface stress generation. I will discuss our results on
    surface stress changes associated with two model systems: 1) formation of monomolecular alkanethiol
    films on gold surfaces; and 2) hybridization of surface immobilized DNA molecules. Insight gained from
    the results on the model systems is currently being used to investigate aptamer-modified microcantilevers
    for detection of controlled substances and novel approach on immobilizing receptor molecules that
    maximizes the surface stress changes.

  • Departmental Colloquium Aug 19, 2010

    Physics and applications of contrast-enhanced MRI - Detection and Evaluation of Tumors Labeled with iron-Oxide Nanoparticles in MRI

    Physics and applications of contrast-enhanced MRI - Detection and Evaluation of Tumors Labeled with iron-Oxide Nanoparticles in MRI

    Guest: Mr. Jason Langley, UGA, Physics and Astronomy
    Thursday, August 19, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: Physics 202

    Contrast agents are used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to enhance contrast difference in tissues by changing relaxation rates between tissues with and without contrast agent. Contrast agents can be broken into two categories: T1–based agents and T2–based agents. T1–based contrast agents change the longitudinal relaxation time (T1) and T2–based contrast agents change the transverse relaxation time (T2). In this talk, we will focus on contrast agents based on super paramagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles. SPIO nanoparticles change T2 of surrounding tissues and are used to label different types of cells. In the talk, methods for detecting labeled cells and quantifying concentrations of labeled cells will be presented.

  • CSP Lunch Seminar Aug 24, 2010

    Biopolymer Translocation

    Biopolymer Translocation

    Guest: Dr. Riku Linna
    Tuesday, August 24, 2010 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
    Location: CSP Conference Room, 322

  • Departmental Colloquium Aug 26, 2010

    Quantum Mechanical Calculations for Collision Processes with Atoms, Electrons and Positrons

    Quantum Mechanical Calculations for Collision Processes with Atoms, Electrons and Positrons

    Guest: Dr. Robert Buenker, Wuppertal Univ., Germany, Department of Chemistry
    Thursday, August 26, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: Physics 202

    The quantum mechanical description of inelastic collisions between various types of particles is discussed and illustrated by means of some recent applications. In order to accomplish this goal it is necessary to solve the Schrödinger equation for a collection of atoms to within a satisfactory degree of accuracy. The basic theoretical procedure is to use the Born-Oppenheimer “clamped nuclei” approximation to generate potential surfaces describing the motion of the atoms in a given molecular system. The multireference configuration interaction (MR-CI) method is quite effective for this purpose, since it allows one to compute total energies and wave functions at a high level of accuracy for all types of electronic states over a wide range of nuclear conformations. It has often been employed to describe the potential curves and various coupling elements required for cross section calculations of atom-atom and atom-molecule collision processes. These results are used to solve problems in astrophysics, medicine and semiconductor design, to name a few of the most important applications. A detailed example for the Na(3s,3p)He complex will be discussed in which MR-CI results have been used in a coupled channel treatment of the corresponding inelastic collision processes [C. Y. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. A 78, 052706 (2008)].

    Electron scattering requires a different theoretical approach for several reasons. First of all, electrons are too light to be described satisfactorily by the Born- Oppenheimer approximation. In addition, it is necessary to account for the typically metastable nature of the states that result from electron attachment (autoionization processes). This means that the computed energy eigenvalues
    must have imaginary components that correspond to the linewidths of the resulting states. A recent example of this type will be discussed which successfully describes vibrational cross section results obtained experimentally for electron collisions with the HCl molecule [M. Honigmann et al., J. Chem. Phys. 133, 044305 (2010)]. Finally, calculations to describe molecular collisions with positrons will be presented. Such processes are also useful in medicine, such as in positron emission tomography (PET). In this case it is necessary to employ wave functions containing many electrons and a lone positron. Computations of annihilation rates and positron affinities for complexes of alkali hydrides and oxides will be used to illustrate this type of theoretical treatment [R. J. Buenker and H.-P. Liebermann, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 114107 (2009).

  • NanoSEC Seminar Aug 27, 2010

    Present Challenges in Electrochemical Power Sources Research

    Present Challenges in Electrochemical Power Sources Research

    Guest: Prof. Ramaraja Ramasamy, Faculty of Engineering, and Member of NanoSEC University of Georgia
    Friday, August 27, 2010 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: Riverbend Research South Laboratory Auditorium

    Electrochemical energy constitutes only a small portion of America’s energy portfolio but is well poised to make a big impact in the nation’s energy independence and sustainability in the 21st century. Electrochemical power sources such as photovoltaic cells, batteries, super-capacitors, fuel cells and biological fuel cells have made visible impact in the field, and yet face tremendous technical and economical challenges to overcome before they can achieve commercial success. The seminar will focus on some of the key technical challenges in lithium ion batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen generation and biological fuel cells and discuss approaches to address these challenges.

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