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  • Mathematical Physics Seminar Feb 25, 2014

    Observational evidence for black holes in astrophysics

    Observational evidence for black holes in astrophysics

    Guest: Loris Magnani, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UGA
    Tuesday, February 25, 2014 4:40 pm - 5:30 pm
    Location: Physics Building Conference Room (Physics 204B)

  • Departmental Colloquium Feb 27, 2014

    Emergent phenomena via molecular dynamics

    Emergent phenomena via molecular dynamics

    Guest: Prof. Dennis Rapaport, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
    Thursday, February 27, 2014 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: Physics Auditorium (202)

    Emergent phenomena share the fascinating property that they are not obvious consequences of the design of the system in which they appear, a characteristic equally relevant when attempting to model them. We describe several systems that exhibit surprisingly rich emergent behavior, each studied by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Modelling self-assembly processes relevant to virus growth reveals the ability to achieve complete, error-free assembly, where, paradoxically, high yields are due to reversible bond formation. In the case of fluids studied at the atomistic level, not only can complex hydrodynamic phenomena in rotating and convecting fluids -the Taylor-Couette and Rayleigh- Benard instabilities - be reproduced within the limited length and time scales accessible to MD, but there is even quantitative agreement. Finally, studies of granular mixtures show behavior that, in the case of a rotating drum, reproduces the familiar counterintuitive axial and radial segregation, and in the case of a vertically vibrated layer, indicates a novel form of horizontal segregation. While there are limitations to the MD approach, both conceptual and computational, the present results offer a tantalizing hint of what can be accomplished.

  • Mathematical Physics Seminar Mar 4, 2014

    Kerr solution for a rotating black hole

    Kerr solution for a rotating black hole

    Guest: Brad Bassler, Dept. of Philosophy, UGA
    Tuesday, March 4, 2014 4:40 pm - 5:30 pm
    Location: Physics Building Conference Room (204B)

  • Departmental Colloquium Mar 6, 2014

    Spin-polarized organic light emitting diode based on a novel bipolar spin-valve

    Spin-polarized organic light emitting diode based on a novel bipolar spin-valve

    Guest: Prof. Tho Nguyen, UGA Physics and Astronomy
    Thursday, March 6, 2014 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
    Location: Physics Auditorium (202)

    The spin-polarized organic light emitting diode (spin-OLED) has been long sought device within the field of Organic Spintronics. We designed, fabricated and studied a spin-OLED with ferromagnetic (FM) electrodes that acts as a bipolar organic spin valve (OSV), based on deuterated derivative of poly(phenylene-vinylene) with small hyperfine interaction [1]. In the double-injection limit the device shows ~1% spin-valve magneto-electroluminescence (MEL) response that follows the FM electrode coercive fields, which originates from the bipolar spin-polarized space charge limited current [2]. Our findings provide a pathway for organic displays controlled by external magnetic fields. Here is the outline of my talk. First, the background of magneto-resistance in OLEDs and OSVs are reviewed. Next, I present some previous attempts to achieve spin-OLEDs. Finally, I show our success on demonstrating spin-LEDs. If the time permits, I will go over the current advances toward Organic Spintronics in our laboratory.

  • CSP Lunch Seminar Mar 18, 2014

    Monitoring Large Scale Protein Conformational Changes

    Monitoring Large Scale Protein Conformational Changes

    Guest: Amika Sood, CCRC
    Tuesday, March 18, 2014 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
    Location: CSP Conference Room, Physics Bldg.

  • Mathematical Physics Seminar Mar 18, 2014

    Kerr solution for a rotating black hole, cont.

    Kerr solution for a rotating black hole, cont.

    Guest: Brad Bassler, Dept. of Philosophy, UGA
    Tuesday, March 18, 2014 4:40 pm - 5:30 pm
    Location: Physics Building Conference Room (204B)

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