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Departmental Colloquium

Research Grant Proposals Reviewers Dynamics  
Guest Speaker
Prof. Burtrand I. Lee, PhD., FACerS  
Guest Affiliation
Office Research Grants, American Chemical Society  
Thursday, September 16, 2021 3:55 pm - 4:55 pm  
Zoom Meeting  

As we all are concerned with maintaining stable research support, we seek the best strategy for winning competitive research grants. It becomes imperative to better understand the evaluation process. While in the midst of the ever-increasing competition, the most popular evaluation means is peer review. Such basic questions as how the peer review is carried out, how the reviewers selected, what do the reviewers think when they encounter a research grant proposal to review, and what they like/don’t like are some of the questions that will be discussed. Other pertinent questions are expected to come from the listeners and participants.

