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Special Colloquium

Dust and Ice: Their Roles in Astrophysical Environments  
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 8:00 am - Thursday, April 1 5:00 pm  
CSP Conference Room  

Second workshop announcement:

Dust and Ice: Their Roles in Astrophysical Environments

to be held at the University of Georgia (UGA), March 30 – April 1, 2010, and sponsored by the Southeast Laboratory Astrophysics Community and its member institutions.

The workshop will provide a forum for discussions on dust grains, interstellar ices, and PAHs in astrophysical and atmospheric environments. In particular, advances and needs for relevant experimental and theoretical laboratory astrophysics will be highlighted.

The workshop will consist of invited talks and a poster session. Confirmed speakers include:

B-G Anderson (NASA/SOFIA); Ara Chutjian (NASA/JPL); Gary Douberly (UGA); Michael Duncan (UGA); Gary Ferland (U. Kentucky); Perry Gerakines (U. Alabama); Michael Henderson (PNNL); Eric Herbst (Ohio State U.); Carl Hirschmugl (U. Wiscon. Mil.); Doug Hudgins (NASA/HQ); Aigen Li (U. Missouri); Karin Oberg (Center for Astrophys.); Thom Orlando (GA Tech); Els Peeters (U. West. Ontario); Andrew Rappe (U. Penn.); Chad Soslik (Clemson U.); Angela Speck (U. Missouri); Gianfranco Vidali (Syracuse U.); Susanna Widicus Weaver (Emory U.)

Consult the local website ( for additional information, to register for the meeting, and to submit talk or poster abstracts. Deadlines for hotel registration, meeting registration, and abstract submission are March 1, March 16, and March 16, respectively.

Workshop organizers: Gary Ferland, Perry Gerakines, Steven Lewis, David Schultz (SELAC Chair), Phillip Stancil, and Susanna Widicus Weaver.

SELAC’s purpose is to promote astronomy, astrophysics, and laboratory astrophysics in the region and more broadly. Funding provided by the Center for Simulational Physics and the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the University of Georgia.

