Workshop Information

Important Deadlines:

  • Hotel registration: March 1, 2010
  • Workshop registration - extended: March 23, 2010
  • Abstract Submission - extended: March 23, 2010
Some Meeting Logistics
  • Parking: DO NOT park in open parking lots. You will get a parking ticket. You must use pay parking garages. Parking passes, good for one exit, will be given out at the meeting. Two parking garages are located on Lumpkin near the GA Center and the Tate Student Center.
  • Posters: Poster dimension is limited to 4 feet by 4 feet. You can put them up Tuesday afternoon and take them down Thursday before noon. The poster session is Wednesday evening.
  • Reception: Monday, 5-7pm, GA Center, Hill Atrium. 
  • Registration: $25, in cash, collected any AM of the meeting. Fee waived for students and UGA locals.

Meeting Purpose

The importance of dust grains and ices in astronomical and atmospheric environments has been recognized for many decades. But due to the fact that complete understanding of these particles requires complex solid-state and surface physics, relevant laboratory studies and their application to astronomical problems have generally remained at a rudimentary level. However, in recent years with advances in infrared to submillimeter detector technology and solid-state laboratory (both experimental and theoretical) methods, our understanding of the role of dust and ices in astrophysical environments has accelerated.

The purpose of the workshop, the 5th in the series sponsored by the Southeast Laboratory Astrophysics Community (SELAC), is to focus on the exciting research ongoing and forthcoming in laboratory studies on dust grains, interstellar ices, and PAHs; their observational signatures; and their role in astronomical and atmospheric environments from comets to the high redshift universe. The goal of the workshop is to bring together laboratory astrophysicists, surface scientists, astronomers, and astrophysical modelers to exchange needs, to highlight recent advances, and to look toward future progress motivated by space-based and ground-based observations.

The meeting will consist of 19 invited talks and a poster session. Details can be found on the workshop website for travel and accommodations. Please, register for the meeting through the website. You are requested to enter the title and abstract for your presentation in the registration form. A nominal $25 (cash) registration fee will be collected at the start of the meeting. The fee is waived for students and optional for local UGA participants, but online registration is required.

SELAC's purpose is to promote astronomy, astrophysics, and laboratory astrophysics in the region and more broadly. See our website for further details about SELAC and our past workshops.

Funding provided by the Center for Simulational Physics and the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the University of Georgia.






