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CSP Lunch Seminar

Conformational behavior of Polyampholyte Brushes and electrokinetic transport dynamics in nano channels: molecular dynamics method  
Guest Speaker
Hao You  
Guest Affiliation
Center for Simulational Physics, University of Georgia  
Guest Affiliation Url  
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm  
CSP Conference Room (Room 322)  

Polyampholyte are water-soluble polymers containing both cationic and anionic groups. They are ubiquitous in nature such as genetic material (DNA and RNA) and proteins and thus are of fundamental scientific interest and have a wide range of industrial applications. In this talk we present some of our recent work: 1) conformational behaviors of the polyampholytes coated onto the internal surface of a spherical cavity. 2) The valency of the counterion effects.

The implementation of the nanochannel functionalities mainly depends on the physico-chemical properties of the surfaces, which have critical effects on the transport behavior of the confined fluid and the structure of the solvent in the interfacial region. A strategy to modify the surface properties is to graft polymers brushes onto the surfaces of the solid-state channels.We simulate electrokinetic transport dynamics in mixed polymer brush-grafted nanochannels, where two distinct species of polymers are alternately grafted on the inner surface of nano channels.

