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NanoSEC Seminar

Overview of biorefinery technologies---biomass production and conversion to value added products, KC Das, Jim Kastner, Sudhagar Mani  
Friday, February 12, 2010 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm  
Auditorium, Riverbend Research Laboratory South  

Professors KC Das, Jim Kastner, and Sudhagar Mani of the Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering will be presenting their talk entitled "Overview of biorefinery technologies---biomass production and conversion to value added products," this week.

Seminar will cover selected existing and up coming technologies for converting biomass to fuels and chemicals. Focus will be on Biorefinery and Carbon Cycling Program activities in biomass production, pre-treatment, conversion and utilization, with the intent to identify opportunities for application of nano-science and engineering capabilities.

