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NanoSEC Seminar

Thermoelectric Research at Nanoscale  
Guest Speaker
Professor Jin-Cheng Zheng  
Guest Affiliation
Department of Physics, Xiamen University, China  
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm  
Riverbend Research South Auditorium  

By converting waste heat into electricity through the thermoelectric power of solids without producing greenhouse gas emissions, thermoelectric generators could be an important part of the solution to today’s energy challenge. There has been resurgence in the search of new materials for advanced thermoelectric energy conversion applications. In this talk, I will present our recent progress on thermoelectric research such as thermoelectric transport in PbTe nanostructures, pressure-induced
enhancement of thermoelectric performance in PbTe, SnTe, GeTe materials, strain engineering in graphene sheets and nanoribbons, as well as recent development of thermoelectric theory.

