Geller theory group

We are interested in quantum computation, especially near-term and online quantum computers


Southeast Quantum Computing Workshop (SEQCW19)


Current graduate students: Anastashia Jebraeilli.


Former postdocs: Colin Benjamin, Chun-Min Chang, Andrei Galiautdinov, Vadim Markel, Hao You, and Zhongyuan Zhou.

Former graduate students: Joydip Ghosh, Amara Katabarwa, Kelly Patton, Emily Pritchett, Shi-Xian Qu, and Ho-Soon Yang.

Former undergraduate students: Scott Baker, Corey Bettenhausen, Layne Bradley, Wade Bowie, Sarah Dunning, Matthew Glisson, Lon Higginbotham, Richard Milligan, Claudia Niculas, Eugene Pamfiloff, Emily Pritchett, Andrew Pruett, Nathan Reeves, Daniel Simon, Deron Smith, Jennifer Storbeck, Michael Taylor, and Joel Varley.



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