Molecular Opacity Project Database at The University of Georgia





AMC Group

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Welcome to the Molecular Opacity Project Database of The University of Georgia!

This database is developed by the Theoretical Atomic and Molecular Astrophysics (TAMA) group, part of the Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics (AMC) group of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Georgia (UGA). It is intended to serve the astrophysical community for its needs of accurate line and continuum opacity data. With such a goal in mind, a selection of diatomic  molecules of interest for Extrasolar Giant Planets (EGPs) and cool stellar atmosphere modeling, and other astrophysical applications, is presented in this database. Polyatomic molecules are to be included soon.

Several people have contributed to the elaboration of this database: The following have participatedin the past:

This work is sponsored by the NASA Astronomy and Physics Research and Analysis Program, the Origins of Solar Systems Program, and the NSF Cosmology Program AST-0607733 (with previous support from AST-0087172). 
