Your Support

Simona E. Hunyadi Murph, Adjunct Professor

Research Interests

Nanoengineered Materials: Synthesis, Design, and Applications



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Chemistry/Nanotechnology, University of South Carolina (USC)                     
Education Specialist (EdS), Educational Leadership  & Administration, Augusta University (AU)
Masters of Science (MS), Chemistry/Electrochemistry, Babes-Bolyai University (BBU), Romania
Bachelor of Science (BS), Chemistry & Physics Major, Education Minor, Babes-Bolyai University (BBU), Romania


Selected Honors and Awards

2019: LDRD Most Valuable Project (MVP) Award, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), Laboratory Directed Research and Development Program (LDRD),
2018: SRNL's Spot Award for Significant Teaching Contributions and Performance, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)
2017: SRNL Director's Award for Exceptional Scientific and Engineering Achievement, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)
2017: U.S. C3E Award Finalist in the Research Leadership Category, Clean Energy Education & Empowerement (C3E),  Department of Energy (DOE) in collaboration with the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) and the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy
2017: Significant Figure of the Augusta University Community, Augusta University - Alumni Magazine
2016: Exceptional Leadership Award, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)
2016: Distinguished Alumna and Presidential Alumna Awards, Augusta University (AU) - College of Education,
2015: Key Contributor Award for Nanotechnology Advances in the Field, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)
2015: Inspirational Woman in STEM Endowment, U.S.  Department of Energy (DOE)
2011: Principal Investigator of the Year, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) - NNSA Programs
2011: Women at the Forefront of their Field of Expertise Recognition, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) - NNSA Programs
2010: Spot Award, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)
2010: Carl Strom Fellowship Award, Gordon Research Conference (GRC)      
2010: Results of the Month Award, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) 
2007: Best Poster Presentation, University of South Carolina (USC)


Selected Scientific Recognitions

2017 Editor/Author, Springer (Anisotropic and shape-selective nanomaterials: Structure-property relationships)
2017 Top Ten Ranked Paper, JOM (Nanoparticle treated stainless steel filters for metal vapor sequestration)
2016 Featured Groundbreaking Advancements, Fluor Corporation, SRNL & UGA (Core-shell nanostructures show promise in production of fuel gases)
2016 Science Daily News (Modern-day alchemy: Researchers reveal that magnetic 'rust' performs as gold at the nanoscale)
2016 Office of the President News, UGA (Researchers reveal that magnetic ‘rust’ performs as gold at the nanoscale)
2015 Best Paper & Presentation, TMS (Development and characterization of nanomaterials for zinc vapor capture)
2015 Nanotechnology Innovation Spotlight, Nanowerk (Au-Mn nanoparticles for targeted diagnostic and imaging)
2014 Innovation Highlights, Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) (Shape-selective nanocatalysts)
2012 Hot Paper, J. Mater. Chem. Blog (Improved SERS properties with gold-modified silver nanorod arrays)
2012 Most Cited Paper, J. Environmental Quality (Effects of particle size on chemical speciation and bioavailability of copper to earthworms exposed to copper nanoparticles)
2012 Innovation for America’s Journal of Technology Commercialization (Nanotechnology and Fuel Cells)
2010 C&EN Latest News (Nanoparticles worm their way into the food web)
2007 A Top Five ACS Article by Citations (Anisotropic metal nanoparticles: Synthesis, assembly, and optical applications)
2006 Special Collection Paper: Anisotropic Nanomaterials, J. Mater. Chem. (Bimetallic silver–gold nanowires: fabrication and  use in  surface-enhanced Raman scattering)
2006 Most Cited Article, Inorganic Chemistry - Forum Article (One-dimensional colloidal gold and silver nanostructures)


Patents and Invention Disclosures   

2020: ''Methods and materials for determination of distribution coefficients for separation materials',  U.S. Patent  US10598599B2,
2020: 'Radiation Detectors Employing Contemporaneous Detection and Decontamination',
2020: 'Controlled Release of Hydrogen from Composite Nanoparticles',  U.S. 20180319658A1,
2018: 'Multifunctional Nanomaterials and Methods  of Photothermal Heating and Catalysis  using the Same’, U.S . Patent 10,016,745 B2,  
2017: 'Nanomaterial (NMs) Solutions toward Zn 65 Abatement', U.S. Patent  9700829 B1,    
2017: 'Targeted Release of Nanoparticle Sequestered Analytes via Plasmonic or Magnetic Field'
2016: 'Plasmonic Distillation Separation of Hydrogen Isotopes in the Liquid Phase'
2015: 'Innovative Use of Gamma Rays from Radioactive Decay of Waste'
2015: 'Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Spectroscopic Waveguide', U. S. Patent 4/15/2015, serial # 501665408S;
2012: 'Nanocatalysts and Shape Selective Method for Production of Nanocatalysts'
2010: 'A Novel MRI Technique Designed to Interrogate Myocardial Calcium Efflux with a Surrogate  Biomarker, Mn2+, Using T1-Weighted and/or T1-Mapping Manganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI)"


Recent Publications

1. Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Coopersmith, K.; Sessions, H.; Brown, M., Larsen, G. "Controlled Release of Hydrogen Isotopes from Hydride-Magnetic Nanomaterials", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 9478-9488.
2. Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Coopersmith, K. "Fabrication of Silver–Rhodium Nanomaterials for Chemical Sensing Applications'", In: Srivatsan T., Gupta M. (Eds) Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Advanced Composites, Springer, 2020, 95- 104.
3. Larsen, G.; Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Coopersmith, K.; Mitchell, L. "Water Processing for Isotope Recovery Using Porous Zero Valent Iron"J. Fusion Science & Technnology, 2020, 76, 13-20.            
4. Dien L.;, Seaman, J.; Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Kaplan, D.; Taylor-Pashow, et. "Porous Iron Material for TcO4- and ReO4- Sequestration From Groundwater under Ambient Oxic Conditions", J. Hazardous Materials , 2019, 374, 177-185.
5. Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Larsen, G.K.; Coopersmith, K. "Anisotropic and Shape-Selective Nanomaterials: Structure-Property Relationships", 2017,  Springer International Publishing, 1st ed. 2017, ISBN-13: 9783319596617. ean=9783319596617&st=PLA&sid=BNB_DRS_Core+Shopping+Books_00000000&2sid=Google_&sourceId=PLGoP75606
6. Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Larsen, G.K.; Korinko, P.; Coopersmith, K.; Summer, A.; Lewis, R. "Nanoparticle Treated Stainless Steel Filters for Metal Vapor Sequestration", JOM, 201769, 162.  "Top-Ten Ranked Paper"            
7. Larsen, G.; Farr, W.; Hunyadi Murph, S.E. "Multifunctional Fe2O3-Au Nanoparticles With Different Shapes: Enhanced Catalysis, Photothermal Effects, and Magnetic Recyclability", J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120, 15162.
8. Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Larsen, G.; Lascola, R. "Multifunctional Hybrid Fe2O3-Au Nanoparticles for Efficient Plasmonic Heating", JOVE, 2016, 108, e53598.                                                                                         
9. Kun, Y.; Basnet, P.; Sessions, H.; Larsen, G.; Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Zhao, Y. "Fe2O3/TiO2 Core-Shell for Visible Light Photocatalysis", Catalysis Today, 2016, 270, 51.                                            
10. Hunyadi Murph, S.E.; Murphy, C.J.; Leach, A.; Gall, K. “A Possible Oriented Attachment Growth Mechanism for Silver Nanowire Formation”, Crystal Growth and Design, 2015, 15, 1968.