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Departmental Colloquium

Spintronics with 2D Materials: New Functionalities with Heterostructures  
Guest Speaker
Dr. Yunqiu (Kelly) Luo  
Guest Affiliation
Cornell University  
Thursday, January 23, 2020 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm  
Physics Auditorium (202)  

In this talk, I’ll first briefly review graphene spintronics and the ‘hallmark’ Hanle spin precession measurement in non-local spin valves. Then I’ll discuss our recent works in hybrid 2D optospintronic systems, such as the first demonstration of opto-valleytronic spin injection across a monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD)/graphene interface. We confirmed the full process of optical spin injection, lateral spin transport and electrical spin detection up to room temperature using Hanle spin precession and showed such process can be controlled by photon helicity and photon energy. Next, I will discuss our current work investigating the origin of such charge and spin transfer processes across TMD/graphene interfaces. We observed an intriguing photoconductance bias and gate dependence in a dual-gated MoS2/ graphene field-effect device, indicating the dominance of a vdW photothermoelectric effect. In addition, we study the ultrafast photon-spin transfer process across a monolayer WSe2/ graphene interface using time resolved Kerr rotation and photocurrent microscopy. We discovered a highly efficient spin and charge transfer dynamics from WSe2 to graphene that last less than 10 ps. At last, if time permits, I’ll briefly discuss our recent transport work that unveils a strong and highly tunable spin-lifetime anisotropy in dual-gated bilayer graphene.