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Departmental Colloquium

Strongly Correlated Oxides for Artificial Intelligence  
Guest Speaker
Prof. Shriram Ramanathan  
Guest Affiliation
Materials Engineering, Purdue University  
Thursday, January 16, 2020 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm  
Physics Auditorium (202)  

AI machines and neuromorphic computers are rapidly growing research directions in the physical sciences disciplines. Correlated electron systems could potentially serve as building blocks for AI hardware due to their highly tunable electronic band structures and rapid environmental response. Using high- pressure synthesized perovskite nickelates as a model system, we will first discuss insulator-metal transitions that are controlled by hydrogen doping. From understanding the binding of the charge carriers to the lattice, we will describe experiments in nickelates that demonstrate neuromorphic learning. We will conclude with some examples of how basic research on the electronic structure of correlated oxides naturally pave the way for their use in artificial neural networks and reconfigurable photonic devices.

