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Departmental Colloquium

Quantum Sensing and Quantum Nanophotonics at Oak Ridge National Laboratory  
Guest Speaker
Dr. Benjamin J. Lawrie  
Guest Affiliation
Quantum Information Science, Oak Ridge National Laboratory  
Thursday, April 11, 2019 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm  
Physics Auditorium (202)  

The Heisenberg uncertainty relationship for the intensity and phase of light describes a fundamental shot noise limit that cannot be surpassed with classical states of light. Two- mode squeezed light sources exhibiting continuous variable entanglement allow us to reduce the noise floor in optically transduced sensors that utilize a single quadrature of the optical field, enabling greater signal to noise ratios than are possible in the best possible classical sensors. I will present some of our recent results demonstrating quantum enhanced sensitivity for applications ranging from magnetometry to plasmonic sensing to atomic force microscopy. I will also discuss some of our recent research efforts exploring quantum nanophotonics with plasmonic nanostructures and single photon emitters in low-dimensional materials. I will close with a brief perspective on the potential for hybrid quantum systems incorporating both continuous-variable squeezed light sources and nanophotonic discrete-variable quantum light sources.