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Observatory Open House

Observatory Open House  
Guest Speaker
Dr. Robin Shelton and Dr. Loris Magnani  
Guest Affiliation
UGA Physics and Astronomy  
Thursday, April 17, 2014 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm  
4th floor of the Physics bldg. or Physics Auditorium (rm. 202) if cloudy  

The Observatory Open House will be on Thursday, April 17, 2014, beginning at 8:30pm and ending at 10:00pm. If the weather is clear, then we will use the 24 inch telescope in the dome on top of the building to see the sky, especially Jupiter. If the weather is cloudy, then Dr. Loris Magnani will give a lecture in the physics auditorium (room 202). The topic of his lecture will be "The Dark Side of Astronomy:  Dark Energy and Dark Matter".  

If the sky is clear, then visitors should go to the 4th floor of the Physics Building, where they will ascend the staircase that leads to the dome. Visitors do not need to arrive exactly at 8:30pm or before 8:30pm -- we will be open during the whole 8:30pm to 10:00pm timeframe.


